February 17, 2014 Storms, Kids and Tar Pebbles – akaLIFE Episode 4 Tonight we talked about stormy weather and the realization that our family sleeps through most natural disasters. From hurricanes to tornadoes, living in the…
February 9, 2014 Tactical Parenting – akaLIFE Episode 3 Trying to schedule life around 1 child can have it’s challenges… planning around 4 kids is down right difficult. Tonight Tash and I discuss…
February 2, 2014 Superbowl Commercial Recap – akaLIFE Episode 2 Gotta Love the Superbowl. Tash and I recap the commercials, Mannings possible last game and movie trailers. I may or may not mess up…
January 28, 2014 Parents Break Stuff – akaLIFE Episode 1 The first episode of akaLIFE, a show about raising a family, sticking together and the weird things that pop culture and technology has done…