September 16, 2019 …It’s just Grandma talking to Grandma This is honestly the hardest thing I’ve ever had to write. Death is a difficult subject. And as I write this, it is almost…
April 16, 2019 Sometimes You Need To Take The Elevator… The office I work in is two stories. Five days a week, every week, I climb the stairs to the front door of our…
May 29, 2017 The Daddy & Nini Show Episode 3: Nini’s Favorite Books Pt. 1 I’ll add Episode’s 1 & 2 at the bottom of this post but this post will focus on Episode 3. Every night before bed,…
May 13, 2017 50 Minutes with The Paper Canoe Company’s Beanstalk Jack Twitter is a wonderful thing. While I was beginning the journey of relaunching my Self/Made Podcast, I took to twitter to reconnect with some…
January 5, 2017 Living life with no fear of the future This is something that I’ve been wanting to post for a while now. For several years I’ve lived my life in two spectrum’s. Anticipation…
June 19, 2015 First round of tests done – Update on Tash’s Health UPDATE TIME! Okay. So, just got back from the Doctors office with Tash and here’s what we know. Her tests all came back healthy save…
July 17, 2014 A Story About A Girl… March 30, 2014, my wife began to squint a bit while sitting next to me. Our typical routine each night is to spend some…
February 17, 2014 Storms, Kids and Tar Pebbles – akaLIFE Episode 4 Tonight we talked about stormy weather and the realization that our family sleeps through most natural disasters. From hurricanes to tornadoes, living in the…
February 16, 2014 I Believe In Evolution Personal evolution is a wonderful thing. It can be difficult, frightening, and weird. Personal evolution can also be a joyous occasion. Over the past…
February 9, 2014 Tactical Parenting – akaLIFE Episode 3 Trying to schedule life around 1 child can have it’s challenges… planning around 4 kids is down right difficult. Tonight Tash and I discuss…