Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Fan Made Trailer – I’m officially excited

I know that Matt Smith is leaving and the regeneration happens during the Christmas episode. But before that happens, The Doctor is in for an epic adventure (when is his adventures NOT epic?) for his 50th Anniversary Episode! This marks the return of David Tennant and Billie Piper as the 10th Doctor and Rose respectively. This ALSO bring in John Hurt as a previously unseen incarnation of The Doctor. Let me shut up because you came here not to hear me blither. You came here to watch A 50th Anniversary Trailer.

I was just informed that this is actually a FAN trailer. A FAN made this. Shows you what good editing can do, right?

You can turn off the 3D if you don’t have glasses.. which most of us don’t have at our houses. Best settings: No 3D and 1080P that bad boy. ENJOY and comment on what you think will be your favorite parts of the episode! Check it out!

If you’ve stuck around after that, I have to say that I’m torn about seeing Matt Smith exit. His first episode, I wasn’t sure how to feel about him. He seemed overly animated and theatrical. I was a late bloomer when it came to The Doctor. I didn’t start watching until around the time of series 5. I went on a full on Netflix Binge to catch up and it wasn’t until last years Christmas episode that it clicked with me for Matt Smith. I know it gets panned by some but his scene impersonating “Sherlock Holmes” and seeing him brood a bit, then returning to his child like wonder really hit me. And I went back to the beginning of his run and started over. And again, it got me. I got HIM. So again, I’m excited for the 50th anniversary, bringing two (well, three if you count John Hurt) Doctors into the fold. If only we could have gotten Christopher Eccleston into the mix too.

Oh, and if you want the Facebook Header I created. Ya know, this one:


You can download it right here:

[button link=”” type=”small” newwindow=”yes”] Click To Download (With Text)[/button]

You can download it WITHOUT Text here:

[button link=”” type=”small” color=”orange” newwindow=”yes”] Click To Download (Without Text)[/button]


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