I can be impulsive. I know this. My wife knows this as well. So what happens when someone suggests that you do a web/podcast everyday for the entire year? Well, you take that opportunity and run with it, that’s what! Let’s rewind for a minute to about four days before the new year! I’m having a conversation at The Clubhou.se with Parker about building a podcasting network similar to Smodcast, 5×5, and so on.

We had discussed some of the show ideas that I had in development when he drops a bomb on me:
“I think it’d be cool if you did a show that you broadcasted every single day. I mean it. Every day for the entire year. Real life, nothing special in particular but simply a moment in life of you and anyone that wanted to join the show.”
It was brilliant. I listen to many podcasts regularly – some created by celebrities and famous public speakers, and some regular ‘joes’. One thing that I have yet to see from anyone was a fully fleshed-out integration of Google Hangout’s OnAir and podcasting. It just so happened that for this very venture, Parker had a domain already purchased. And that very night, with only four days to prepare to launch something that would eventually take up about an hour and a half of my evenings for the coming year: Chronicle365 was born.
Show Format
[box type=”info”] The format of the show is pretty simple. 30 minutes on YouTube at 10pm, and at 10:30pm we end the Youtube feed and encourage the live audience to catch the rest of the episode on the Podcast which can be found the next day (or a few days sometimes) on iTunes or Feedburner. [/box]
Thanks to many of our normal ‘cast’ members, we’ve had some interesting conversations. I’d like to introduce you to the “Normals”… I’m now 100 days in at the time of writing this post and I have to say that I’m pleased with how many of my friends have actually taken the time to join me on the show!
[button link=”http://www.oddzuki.com/subscribe” type=”big”] Subscribe![/button] Tune in at 10pm every night, for the rest of the year to catch an Episode of Chronicle365. And of course, Subscribe to us on Youtube or iTunes, Feedburner, or our RSS Feed.