Living life with no fear of the future

This is something that I’ve been wanting to post for a while now. For several years I’ve lived my life in two spectrum’s. Anticipation or Fear. It doesn’t matter whether I’m anticipating an event, bonus, time of year or fearing an upcoming bill, an upset client, or health scares. The fact of the matter is I’ve been waiting for “something” (and there is always a new “something”). Let me tell you first and foremost that living like this is incredibly exhausting. We live in a world now more than ever, where everything we want is instant.

Seriously... what's next?
I have no idea… and that’s okay.

News floods in at breakneck speeds, we don’t have to line up to find a movie to watch at home anymore and even then, sometimes it’s not fast enough. So with that mentality, thinking about the future can be very stressful at times. I would sit and try to manipulate the outcome of situations. Maybe if I made “x” decision, or held off on “y”… It’s enough to drive yourself insane! I found that I was devoting more time to worry and concern about what goes on in any possible future scenarios instead of living in the present.

This isn’t a new concept.

I know that living in the present and “letting tomorrow worry about itself” is an old adage. It doesn’t change the fact that I found that there was a bit of obsessing going on. With everything going on with my wife’s health, contemplating the future and what it may hold became a regular thing. At first it wasn’t a big deal. It was my regular way of thinking and a silent mantra of mine. But living with constant anticipation and at times, dread, is a quick way to give yourself an ulcer. I don’t want an ulcer, so recently I decided to change the way I actively lived.

24 Hours is all we have.

As an I.T. Technician, I have a schedule I keep with my clients. Some will call and get service same day if I have an opening. Some will call and preset appointments days or weeks in advance. These are the types of things we can “control”. For life? Daily activities, we cannot plan so precisely. That is why I have decided that I have to stop living in a “Macro outlook” and simply focus on the next 24 hours. What can I do to make the next 24 hours better than the last? I understand a percentage of that time will be focused on sleeping and that is okay. But for the waking hours, deeper focus can be put into being a good husband, a better father, an awesome caretaker, a model employee and a great friend. These are things that I want for myself.

Do you like my suit?
How may I be of service?

On Facebook, I reach out to my friends list often asking them if there is anything I can do for them to help their day/lives be better. That stands true every time I post it. I want to be a help to any that need it. I want to be able to enrich the lives of others. And trying to focus on what happens anything past the time right in front of me essentially prevents me from doing that. So from here on out, I’m going to focus on the next 24 hours. Minute by minute, hour by hour I will do what I can to make this “day” better than the day before.

One of my favorite song lyrics comes from one of my all time favorite bands that I had the privilege of seeing last year in concert for the first time: Huey Lewis and The News, and it fits this post perfect:

All I want from tomorrow, is to get it better than today!


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