Man of Steel Third Trailer Debuts

And I think I just wet myself a bit… Okay, I’m supposed to be prepping for tonight’s episode of Chronicle365 but I have to throw out my reaction to this trailer (and I’m hoping I’m not shooting myself in the foot for this)…

Feast your eye holes on this:

Holy Balls. I’m not kidding you right now. I know AJ and I will disagree with this but, damn. I was reading the Entertainment Weekly article about Man Of Steel yesterday and I have to say that some of the things they were mentioning about the tone of the movie had me worried. But I’m having serious confidence in the project now. Henry Cavill, Amy Adams, Russell Crowe, Michael Shannon, and Kevin Costner all get some screen time in the 3-minute runtime of this glimpse at what (crossing fingers) will spark a new era of DC movie-making.

And that score. My god that score! Hans Zimmer made me do something that I didn’t think was capable. I am looking forward to a Superman movie SANS the iconic John Williams Superman March. What I will say is… it looks like they just may have nailed this!

Update after watching this a few more times:

Last night, after seeing this debuted, I stopped what I was doing (prepping to do a webcast) and wrote a quick reaction post on my site. Guys, I can’t stress just how much of a Superman fan I am. I’ve always been a Batman Fanboy but as I’ve grown older, the hope that the character Superman personifies is what’s really gotten to me. I have to say that right up there with Costner’s delivery of “You are my son…” the 3:03 of score that we get to hear has me awestruck.

I love John Williams. He scored my childhood and teenage years. Hell, even my adult years. From The Raiders March to Star Wars, The Mission to Schindler’s List, E.T. to the Olympics, Superman to Harry Potter. So many of these movies have moments where the music accompaniments are tied to childhood memories. Superman having multiple ties.

From attaching my favorite blankie around my neck and singing the song while flying around my house, to spending time with my older brother which I didn’t get to do so often, watching Christopher Reeve on a Saturday morning Matinee on channel 35 back in Florida… Superman was there. So when I heard that Nolan and Snyder wanted to change the music, I was WAY leery.

This Trailer. This brief glimpse into what Hans Zimmer has brought to the table, has me inspired. Is it the same? No. Is this my childhood’s Superman? Again, no. Reading Entertainment Weekly’s article about the darker direction of Superman had me crazy worried. But then I realized that we don’t live in a bright world. We don’t live in a vibrant colored utopia that the majority of the comic versions of Metropolis portray. Do we live in a downtrodden Gotham pseudo wasteland? No. What it seems that we’re being given this go round is a true, modern day “what if”? And the score behind this trailer, the cadence of the drums, the “hopeful notes”, the hectic strings, the damn cadence of those drums… It may not be John Williams March… but it sure as hell feels Superman-esque. Looking into if I can buy my ticket in advanced TODAY.

What do you think?

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    1. Cliff, I was worried when I heard that they were changing the John Williams march. With this tone, I don’t think it would fit, to be honest.

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